CHILI Woo Leads Please List Purchase

Reach Your Target Audience!

A highly efficient solution for generating, capturing and managing home buyer/seller leads. Find people who have recently moved into any neighborhood anywhere in the USA. Find people who have recently purchased a home in any neighborhood anywhere in the USA. Consumer Mailing Lists and Business Mailing Lists all in one package!

(Requires CHILI Publisher Subscription, and CHILIWoo main plugin to operate.)

Multiple Workflows

Ordering New Lists

Customers can dial in and get the list they want, and then pay for the list with or without other products. Once they place a list order into the shopping cart and check out the add on programming will read out and make the final purchase from Leads Please. Only lists that are paid for will be purchased from Leads Please.

Using Mailing Lists

When a customer uses one of their mailing lists with a product the mailing list information is passed with the order.  The print order and the list information will  remain connected in order history and for order processing.

Document Output Options

Because the list and the CHILI Document are separate this process allows the business to define the best. way to produce the final files. One can produce the order via CHILI Publisher or some other software.




Packed with Features Customer Will Love

Store all your lists in one place

Customers can store their lists and purchased lists in the same location, and can be used on any enabled products.

Rename Lists

We empower the customer and allow them to change the names of their lists so they can better organize them.

Provide a Pick list

Customers are able to pick from their lists when they are ordering

Have Customers Pay for this Service

You can add charges for managing  lists on top of what you charge for the lists.

Set Your Own Minimum Quantity

The standard minimum order size is 1000 locations, however in talking with your Leads Please account rep you can come up with a minimum that fits your workflow.

Contract Controlled

Every aspect of your account is controlled by your contract with Leads Please. This includes payment terms, minimum order amounts as well as what you charge customers and what you pay for lists.